The article shows the basics of improving the higher education system, which were the law on education, which are aimed at forming a new generation of personnel with a common high and professional culture, creative and socially active, capable of acting independently in socio-political life, setting and solving tasks for the future. As noted in the Concept of Improving Higher Technical Education, one of the most important tasks of the program is to organize the content and structure of personnel training based on the prospects for socio-economic development of the country and the demands of society for modern achievements in science, technology and culture.
As in any society, in market conditions, the training of qualified competitive specialists is of particular importance for the development of our republic, since the importance of the factor of qualified specialists for the development of society is an axiom. In recent years, much has been done to improve the quality and effectiveness of personnel training, as well as their professional level. In particular, special attention is paid to the formation of such qualities of a specialist as independence, creativity, entrepreneurship and activity. As noted in the issue of personnel training, individualization of training and self-education is required, as well as the development and development of technologies and means of distance education.
PhD, senior lecturer, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, Aktobe, Kazakhstan,
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