Published 2024-08-23
NATURAL SCIENCES Vol. 75 No. 1 (2024)
№1 (2024)
  • T.E. ASKAR
PDF (Kazakh)

Changing and updating time every day have an enormous impact on populationsway of thinking, psyche and actionsIt became possible to make changes and updates in the education system, focused on working with students. On different methods and techniques of teaching were found; there was also the possibility for future use by learners. Among the ones, one of them is the elaboration of functional and training literacy, and the formation of students. One of whom is the elaboration of functional literacy, as.

The article describes methods for improving the functional literacy of a student in chemistry. In each part of the lesson, the types of the method being carried out, the search for new information by students, an example of working with text are shown. Information about the method of applying laboratory work when searching for a new lesson topic is shown. On the basis of improving functional literacy in chemistry, an example of several tasks and types of tasks is given.
It can be seen that tasks can be simplified by means of multimedia tools. So that find out whether these methods are implemented, a special study was conducted for 4 classes. Two of them are experimental classes, and it is oriented on the elaboration and education of the childIn arrange to discover out whether these strategies are actualized, a extraordinary consider was conducted for 4 classes. Two of them are exploratory classes, and it is centered on the improvement and instruction of the child. In arrange to screen the increment in intrigue information, measurements were conducted and compared with past quarter. So that find out if the psychological climate has changed, a special survey was conducted and the results analyzed. 


Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


Master's student, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov


Master's student, Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov

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functional literacy, methods, chemical experiment, didactic tasks.

How to Cite

IMPROVING FUNCTIONAL LITERACY IN CHEMISTRY. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 75(1).

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