Published 2024-07-10

The article examines the role of teachers in the process of school modernization in the context of
updating the content of education. Qualitative changes in any area of our life, even in education, form a new
understanding of the place and role of teachers in the educational process. Teachers use new forms of assessment, take
into account new goals and objectives, update the content and teaching technologies, and a competent approach to
teaching. Consequently, the teacher must be ready to accept the content and methodology of the updated Standards of
general secondary education, change the software and methodological support of the educational process, as well as the
goals and methods of pedagogical activity. The school development concept provides for the creation of conditions for
quality education and the effective development of the national school model. The need to introduce training levels and
profile differentiation and individualization requires the organization of the educational process and a significant
increase in the level of teacher training.

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content of updated education, criteria-based assessment, modernization, assessment system, teacher

How to Cite

THE ROLE OF TEACHERS IN THE PROCESS OF SCHOOL MODERNIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF UPDATED EDUCATIONAL CONTENT. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 61(3).

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