Published 2024-07-05
HISTORY Vol. 66 No. 4 (2021)
№4 (2021)
  • A.I. ISIN
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This research article is about the life path and pedagogical activity of Kyrgyz scientist from Kazakhstan
Anuarbek Khasanov. Basic information about the personal life of the scientist was collected in accordance with the data of the Kyrgyz people, letters were sent to relatives living abroad about his works and teaching activities. To systematize the work, a review of the opinions and scientific works of scientists was conducted, information was compared. The main
work of the scientist is the study of historical problems of the Kalmyks in the history of the Kyrgyz nation. The merit of scientist Anuarbek Khasanov in writing Kyrgyz history is enormous. Along with the development of Kyrgyz history, we identified a representative of the Kazakh nation who analyzed several historical issues. At the same time, the relevance of studying the historical views and socio-political activities of Anuarbek Khasanov, first of all, makes it possible to fill the gap in the characteristics of the study of the personality and general history of the outstanding Kazakh historian, as well as historical thought of the first half of the XX century (both Kazakh and Kyrgyz). A.H. Studying the social activities and historical views of Khasanov, we give our assessment of his scientific works. The article ends with an overview of some aspects of the scientist's life along with his research papers. 

  1. Тентимишев М. Тарыхчы Анварбек Хасанов. – Бишкек.: Турар, 2011. – 224 б.
  2. Хасанов А. Х. Народные движения в Киргизии в период Кокандского ханства. Москва.: Наука, 1977. - 95 с.
  3. Аттокуров С. Кыргыздар XIX кылымда. Бишкек: Бийиктик, 2003. – 412 с.
Anuarbek Khasanov, Kyrgyz scientist, history of Kyrgyzstan, Teacher's Way

How to Cite

LIFE AND SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY OF ANUARBEK KHASANOV. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 66(4).

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