Despite the radical changes in life perception of the individual and society in this period, dominated by the concepts of digital age, Z generation, artificial intelligence, hybrid robot, globalization, many different versions of the “channel” (send, message, speaker, receiver, channel, code) appeared, one of the six elements of R. Jacopson’s written and verbal communication code. The trend towards real abstract, virtual reality has begun in literature and fine arts with
the help of epics, legends, examples and fairy tales told by singers in coffee shops given to the buyer with a wide and free imagination, cinema and music art on a mobile phone. This process separates individuals and societies from the common living space and feelings. Although the channels of communication of mythical epics, legends, parables and fairy tales of the past centuries have changed, they are revived in various forms and versions in cinema, music and fine arts, as well as in written and oral forms. Although they remain in the darkest periods of history, mythology and epic, which are an indispensable source of inspiration for today's art and literature, still retain their vitality and influence.
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