Published 2024-07-05
PEDAGOGY Vol. 65 No. 3 (2021)
№3 (2021)
PDF (Kazakh)

The article deals with the significance of the objectives of the lecture - a popular type of verbal methods in higher educational institutions. It is noted that along with a common goal for all chemical sciences, each chemistry has its own subject-specific goal, which follows from it independently. Subject-specific purpose of the course of inorganic chemistry: formation of students ' chemical scientific thinking, chemical worldview with the help of basic primary concepts, laws of chemical science, in the future, on the basis of this theoretical knowledge, to show the prospects for the
theoretical and practical development of all science with an explanation of the chemistry of elements and compounds.
It is noted that the course of general and inorganic chemistry, conducted in higher education, is one of the first subjects of chemistry. Therefore, the chemical sciences are based on the specific scientific principles of this course. Basic theoretical information, such as atomic and molecular theory, the structure of the atom, the periodic system, solutions, kinetic and thermodynamic laws of chemical reactions, in most cases are brought to universities through lectures. And
during the lecture, it is emphasized that in order for the content of the discipline to be firmly understood by junior students, in order to increase the effectiveness of the lecture, it is necessary, first of all, to have a clear stable goal, the tasks arising from it and the means to achieve it

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  3. Бірімжанов Б.А. Жалпы химия. Оқулық. Төртінші рет басылуы / Б.А.Бірімжанов. – Алматы: Дәуір, 2011.– 752 б.
  4. Бірімжанов Б.А. Жалпы химия / Б.А.Бірімжанов, Н.Н. Нұрахметов. – Алматы: Ана тілі, 1991.– 640 б.
chemical lecture; verbal method; goal; general goal; special goal; subject goal; teaching method; classification of goals;

How to Cite

THE PURPOSE OF THE CHEMICAL LECTURE IN THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 65(3).

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