Published 2024-07-05
PEDAGOGY Vol. 64 No. 2 (2021)
№2 (2021)
PDF (Russian)

In order to activate the cognitive interest of philology students in the classroom, infographics
technology is often used as a very relevant and influential visualization tool today. The article deals with the definition of
infographics, data scientists, describes the types of infographic, its use in the course of the study course «Innovative
technologies in training teachers-philologists», «Methods of teaching Russian language», «Methods of teaching
literature». The authors note that the use of this method of visualization of informative material with various purposes of
teaching and developing character improves the skills of students ' mental activity, including creative abilities. Authors
provide information on chronological, comparative, animated, social, textual, illustrative infographics, which are
advisable to use in work with students both in the classroom and when organizing independent work. When performing
tasks through infographics, students memorize a large amount of educational text information, which develops mental
activity that reflects fascinating findings in the content, structure, logical connections of imaginative thinking and, in
general, forms infographic competence. The systematic use of infographics in university teaching is aimed at the
formation of professional mobility of future philologists, the efficiency of perception and processing of information,
which is so important in the framework of the digitalization of education.

  1. Лаптев В.В. Изобразительная статистика. Введение в инфографику / В.В.Лаптев. – СПб.: Эйдос, 2012. – 180 с.
  2. Грушевская В.Ю. Методика обучения разработке инфографики в педагогическом вузе. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: attachments/article/ 1265/4.
  3. Лекомцев А.А. Использование инфографики в образовательном процессе // наука, образование, общество: тенденции и перспективы: Материалы междунар. научн-практ. конференции 28 ноября 2014г: в 5 ч. Часть III-М.: «АР-Консалт». – 2014. с. 64-65.
  4. Трушко Е.Г. Инфографика как современный способ представления информации / Е.Г.Трушко, Ю.Ф.Шпаковский // Труды БГТУ. – 2017. Серия 4. № 1. -с.111-117.
  5. Ермолаева Ж.Е. Технология создания инфографики [Электронный ресурс].Режим доступа:
: infographics, technology, visualization, compaction, communication, activation.

How to Cite

DEVELOPMENT OF INFOGRAPHIC COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 64(2).

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