Published 2024-07-05

The article examines the psychological meaning and content of the concepts of "innovativeness"
and"creativity", "creativity". “Innovation” is a process of qualitative change, and it is the result of change. There are two
main aspects to this competence. One is related to the production of such ideas (creativity), and the other is related to the
reception, refinement, dissemination and implementation (innovation). Currently, the scientific literature discusses the
concepts of "creativity" and"innovativeness". Creativity is primarily associated with the creative process, the creation of
new potentially useful ideas. These ideas can be shared with others, but they can only be updated if they are put into
practice. Therefore, creativity can be seen as the first step towards innovation. Creativity is the demonstration,
understanding, creation of art forms that lead to solutions, ideas in the application of new products and theories. The need
to study creative abilities led to the emergence of a psychophysiological (biometric) approach. This approach is based on
the study and psychophysiological foundations of creative processes, the characteristics of a creative personality,
creativity. This area analyzes the relationship between the functions of the human brain and various cognitive functions
and specific emotional states. 

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innovation, creativity, creativity, psychological parameters, technology, competence, intellectual threshold, intellectual initiative.

How to Cite

PSYCHOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE AND CONTENT OF THE CONCEPTS «INNOVATION», «CREATION», «CREATIVITY». (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 64(2).

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