The article deals with the thematic, grammatical nature of the vocabulary common to the modern Kazakh and Turkish languages. The common history, the presence of a common vocabulary in the Kazakh-Turkish language is a natural thing. The presence of words that are common to the modern Kazakh language and the Turkish language in different meanings is due to the fact that each nation has its own national knowledge, vision of objects and phenomena. The main reason why the same word names different phenomena, or, conversely, the same phenomenon with different words, is that peoples have to do with customs, traditions, prejudices, professions, natural and climatic phenomena and conditions. The main reason for the different cognition of this or that objective reality by the Turkic peoples is related to the worldview features of each nation and even its representatives, the world perception of the representatives of one nation is different. The worldview includes views, psyche, logic, tastes, customs, traditions, beliefs, etc. Therefore, each nation, people, and person can have several forms in one form, several forms in one content. Changes occurring between members of a Lexico-semantic group do not affect all words of the same group, but only members of a particular group. Under the grammatical character of the general vocabulary, we have considered words that in modern Kazakh and Turkish have not undergone significant changes or partially coincide in meaning.
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