Published 2024-07-04
NATURAL SCIENCES Vol. 64 No. 2 (2021)
№2 (2021)
PDF (Russian)

The article discusses the mechanisms and methods for the development of information systems and their
subsystems, using augmented reality technology and game scenarios based on their interaction. The client mobile application of the information system was built. Augmented reality means are used as a visualization technology. The data of the subject area in the information-logical model of the information system are displayed in the form of information objects and links between them. The paper proposes an algorithm for the operation of a mobile application, demonstrating the possibility of its use. The developed information system is used for educational purposes. 

The paper presents a scheme for the development of software that is used in the educational process of secondary schools and is intended for both teachers and schoolchildren. The developed software can be used to present both theoretical and practical lessons. The use of augmented reality technology made it possible to supplement the presented educational materials and layouts with three-dimensional explanatory information, increasing the level of visibility of printed educational materials by an order of magnitude, which became possible thanks to a mobile application. Educational interactive three-dimensional models in the discipline of computer science for schoolchildren - a software application developed on the Android platform.
The paper presents a new way to develop information systems using augmented reality technology. The architecture, model, and algorithm for constructing such information systems are presented. 

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information system, augmented reality, AR, mobile application, user interface, marker, education

How to Cite

USE OF AUGMENTED REALITY TECHNOLOGY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 64(2).

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