Published 2024-07-04
№4 (2023)
PDF (Kazakh)

It is very important to have a training methodology in order to use new technologies correctly and effectively. Therefore taking into account this need, the relevance of the article was devoted to the preparation and effective application of the methodology of problem-based learning in the study of school geography. The purpose of the educational process is the harmonious formation and comprehensive development of a citizen's personality, the full disclosure of his creative abilities, the acquisition of his "I", his uniqueness. It is a set of general scientific knowledge, skills and abilities that should not only master a certain, but also become a subject of life. Therefore, today there is a problem of optimization and selection of teaching methods that create conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed personality with the conscious use of their knowledge and abilities. One of the ways to activate cognitive activity is the introduction of problem-based learning in geography lessons, including local history. Problem-based teaching methods guarantee the development of creative abilities of students, the widespread use of local history material in teaching geography. The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology for problem-based learning technology, determine its effectiveness and suggest ways to apply it in geography lessons. This article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of problem-based learning and, in particular, the effectiveness of teaching geography lessons. In addition, the article shows the technique of using problem-based learning in geography lessons and sample tasks.

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problem-based learning, geography, critical thinking, situational, task, teaching method

How to Cite

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING IN GEOGRAPHY LESSONS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 74(4), 33-44.

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