Published 2024-07-04
№4 (2023)
PDF (Kazakh)

This article describes the features of the use of situational tasks in high school, as well as their
importance in the development of universal learning activities. Consideration of the subject of assessment and the level of socialization in the new standards, the level of readiness of students to solve various problems. Increasing the importance of education to the most important semantic elements of the new educational standards, its goals. Tests of a logical nature are designed to determine the ability of students to master knowledge and apply them in life situations. In geography lessons, the analysis of the problem using the PISA criteria is carried out using the stretegies "think, work, share", "I-you-we", etc. Type of organization: individual, pair, group ,collective. The purpose of Kazakhstan's participation in international research is to reform the system of control and evaluation of students ' academic achievements, optimize the content of education in accordance with international standards, and create a system for assessing the quality of Kazakhstan's education. Using PISA tasks in geography lessons, the formation of a personality that is able to quickly, independently master and correctly understand a new topic, solve the problems encountered, try to understand the meaning of the case deeply and clearly, have a well-developed observational character, speak competently, master knowledge, implement it in practice, balance the language of the map, theoretical knowledge and predict the course of geographical trends.

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practice - oriented subject, situational tasks, students' competence, formation of professional competencies, practical skills, interdisciplinary communication, practice-oriented learning, reports

How to Cite

EFFECTIVENESS OF SITUATIONAL TASKS IN GEOGRAPHY IN MASTERING PISA TASKS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 74(4), 22-32. https://doi.org/10.70239/

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