Фибоначчи сандарының қасиеттерін олимпиада есептерін шығаруда пайдалану

Published 2024-07-02
PHYSICS-MATHEMATICS Vol. 59 No. 1 (2020)
№1 (2020)
PDF (Russian)

Mathematics occupies one of the main places in the modern education system, which means the
value of knowledge in this area, as mathematics helps to formulate certain forms of thinking necessary for the study of
the environment, to understand them from a scientific point of view.
The current level of technological progress requires focused efforts to develop the interests of students of
secondary schools in the field of natural and mathematical Sciences. One of the most significant means of forming such
interest among schoolchildren is the preparation and conduct of mathematical Olympiads. Subject Olympiads contribute
to the deepening and expansion of knowledge on the subject. Their popularity testifies to the interest that students have
in mathematical competitions. Of great importance, in our opinion, is not only the participation in the Olympics, but
also the preparation for it. Methodically conducted preparatory work contributes to the development of cognitive
interest in mathematics.

Fibonacci numbers, properties of Fibonacci numbers, integers, recurrent sequence, mathematical induction method, Olympiad problems

How to Cite

Фибоначчи сандарының қасиеттерін олимпиада есептерін шығаруда пайдалану. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 59(1). https://vestnik.arsu.kz/index.php/hab/article/view/9

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