Published 2024-07-03
HISTORY Vol. 71 No. 1 (2023)
№1 (2023)
  • A.T. MADEN
PDF (Russian)

The article discusses the history of the deportation of the Germans, their arrival in the Aktobe region, resettlement in the regions, economic, social security, historical fate after arriving in new places. The authors, on the basis of archival documents, study the categories, quantitative composition and distribution of German settlers in the Aktobe region by districsts. Provides local history data on the places of concentration of German settlers, settlements
created on their basis. The article also analyzes the issues of providing the German migrants with housing and work. At the same time, the authors note that they were involved in heavy construction and collective farm work.
Particular attention in the article is paid to the problem of repressions of German settlers for the second time
after their arrival in new places. The authors note that the able-bodied part of the Germans was forcibly mobilized into labor columns and used as labor force at large construction projects. These facilities became subdivisions of the Aktobe labor camp. Labor mobilized were kept in the camp regime. All their rights were not respected and they worked in unbearable conditions. The authors also note that some German special settlers were persecuted and tried on false charges. Based on archival data, describes the plight of prisoners in the camps, the facts of their death and infection with
various infectious diseases. At the end of the article, the main conclusions are drawn.

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Repressions, Deportation, Special settlers, Labor columns, Camp, Kempirsay

How to Cite

FROM THE HISTORY OF THE DEPORTATION OF GERMANS TO THEAKTOBE REGION. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 71(1).

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