In this paper, we study a second-order linear system with a differentiating operator D and constant coefficients, defined along a helical line on a cylindrical surface. The work is also based on fundamental studies of the almost periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations as described in the works of V.Kh. Kharasakhal and D.U.Umbetzhanov. The method of integration by periodic characteristics of the diagonal differentiation operator for multiperiodic functions, proposed by Zh.A. Sartabanov, is widely used here. This method allows us to generalize the classical concept of a center to systems in a spirally symmetric space and to study their dynamic properties. Information about the spiral characteristic of the operator D, described by the properties of the arc and cut-off functions, is presented, and the concept of a center is introduced. Additionally, the point of time (τ,t) moves along a helical line on the surface of a vertical circular cylinder, and the plane (х1, х2) defines the phase space. If the solutions of the system under consideration (τ, t) are periodic, with radius-vector and angular-phase components, an expression is defined that determines that point (0, 0) will be the focal point. If there is a small linear deviation in the system’s matrix, it is proved that the center transforms into a focus. During the course of the study, the conditions for preserving the center were determined, as well as the parameters that cause it to become a focus.
Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan.
PhD, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan.
Master’s student, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan.
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