Published 2024-12-31
TECHNICAL SCIENCES Vol. 78 No. 4 (2024)
№4 (2024)

The article notes that decorations with ornaments on public and residential buildings have begun to appear in the cities of Kazakhstan, which significantly improve the urban landscape and give it beauty. Since the 60s of the XX century, these decorations have been actively developing. In particular,Almaty has turned into a beautiful city,and the buildings of the regional centers of Kazakhstan have begun to be decorated with Kazakh ornaments. Kazakh ornaments began to be studied by scientists,who began to reveal their meanings and symbols.

These ornaments originated in the period when the Kazakhs began to use yurts, which are also common among the nomadic peoples of Kyrgyzstan, Karakalpaks, Mongolia and other countries. Thus, it can be said that the ornamental tradition not only enriches the architectural appearance of cities, but also emphasizes the rich cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.

Until the beginning of the XX century, the ornament of the Kazakh people remained insufficiently studied. This is largely due to its limited use in the architecture of urban buildings and structures. The first studies of Kazakh ornament began at the beginning of the XIX century, and since then this topic has been constantly developing, it became especially relevant at the beginning of the XXI century.

Modern research actively continues this perspective,deepening the understanding of historical patterns and analyzing many new examples. This field consists of both highly specialized research that focuses on the subject patterns and features determined by materials for the production of products of various shapes,sizes, configurations and textures, as well as broader research on the synthesis of ornament in architecture.

Special attention is paid to the artistic design of the yurt, as well as the spatial and semantic forms of buildings in their architectural compositions. The art of architectural ornament becomes a real expression of cultural identity, emphasizing the uniqueness of Kazakh folk art. These studies help to realize the role of ornament not only as a decorative element, but also as an important part of the architectural heritage of Kazakhstan.


independent applicant, Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


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ornaments, architectural compositions, symbolic symbols, perspective, art, yurt

How to Cite

DECORATION OF CITY BUILDINGS WITH KAZAKH NATIONAL ORNAMENTS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 78(4), 59-66.