This study is devoted to the issues of economic accessibility of food in Aktobe region. Economic access is one of the main dimensions of food security. The solution of issues related to food security is relevant both at the global and national level.
The paper analyses the theoretical apparatus and the main methodological approaches to the assessment of economic accessibility.
The article presents economic and statistical methods of quantitative assessment of economic availability of food, which takes into account the nominal average per capita income of the population, the value of subsistence minimum, the share of expenditures of the population on food products. The assessment of economic accessibility of food in Aktobe region compared with the regions of Kazakhstan was carried out.
The results of the study revealed that in Aktobe region, as well as in the whole country, the population spends about half of its income only on food products. This indicates the low purchasing power of disposable income of the population. The results allowed us to identify a number of factors that ensure an increase in the affordability of food products, among which - the income of the population, the level of prices for basic food products.
Conclusions - the authors emphasise the need to develop a clear methodology and the introduction of indicator systems that allow to adequately assess the state of economic accessibility of food products in the region.
Practical recommendations for improving food security in the region in terms of economic accessibility and improving the main socio-economic indicators of Aktobe region are developed.
PhD student, K.Zhubanov Aktobe regional university, Aktobe, Kazakhstan.
candidate of economic sciences, docent, Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov, Aktobe, Kazakhstan.
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- Қазақстан Республикасы Стратегиялық жоспарлау және реформалар агенттігінің Ұлттық статистика бюросы:
- Қазақстан Республикасы Стратегиялық жоспарлау және реформалар агенттігінің Ұлттық статистика бюросы: