The topic of the formation of the emotional and volitional sphere of preschoolers with mental retardation is relevant in modern conditions of inclusive education. The emotional-volitional sphere includes the ability to manage emotions, express your feelings and show determination in actions, which is the basis for successful social adaptation and learning. One of the most effective ways to develop these qualities in children with mental retardation is play activity, since play creates a natural, safe and stimulating environment for the expression of emotions and the development of volitional qualities in preschool age, play is the leading activity contributing to the comprehensive development of the child's personality. For children with mental retardation, play activity is especially important, as it allows them to quickly and effectively develop the emotional sphere (the ability to understand and express emotions), as well as to form volitional qualities (self-regulation, perseverance, endurance). This paper examines the importance of play activity in the formation of the emotional and volitional sphere of children with mental retardation in preschool age. The study describes the difficulties faced by children with mental retardation in managing emotions, adapting to the social environment and regulating their actions. It has been proven that play activities can enrich the emotional experience of children, form self-control skills, and develop willpower. Through the game, the child builds relationships, learns to regulate his emotions and gets used to setting and achieving goals.
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov, Aktobe,Kazakhstan.
master's student, Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov, Aktobe, Kazakhstan
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