This article presents the results of medium-carbon ferromanganese smelting from domestic manganese ores under large-scale laboratory conditions. Data on the production and demand for refined ferromanganese produced during the last successful year are provided. Since 2020, refined ferromanganese production has decreased by approximately 1,2 million tons, which is 18% lower than in 2019. This decline was caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which began in China in 2019, and the subsequent worldwide pandemic, as well as geopolitical conflicts (Russia — Ukraine), which started in 2021. Kazakhstan has significant reserves of manganese ores, which are in ferrous-manganese and carbonate states. X-ray phase analysis showed that manganese in the ores is represented by hydroxide, pyrolusite, and iron oxide. Medium-carbon ferromanganese was smelted in an electric furnace with a transformer power of 0.1 MVA. The chemical composition of the resulting alloy is as follows, %: Mn – 80-85; Si – 0,05-0,25; Fe – 1,8-3,0; P – 0,05-0,09; C – 1,5-2,0; MnO – 20-25; SiO₂ – 13,94-14,5; CaO – 23,35-24,85; MgO – 12,5-14,0. Thus, an optimal technological scheme for the production of a wide range of manganese ferroalloys was developed.
Master's degree, Karaganda Industrial University, Temirtau, Kazakhstan
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Karaganda Industrial University, Temirtau, Kazakhstan
PhD, Head of the Laboratory, J.Abishev Chemical and Metallurgical Institute, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
PhD, Professor, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
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