Published 2024-07-15
PEDAGOGY Vol. 76 No. 2 (2024)
№2 (2024)
PDF (Russian)

This article addresses the challenges of intellectual development among elementary school students
learning English. The authors examine how both objective and subjective aspects of English language resources
influence the intellectual growth of young learners. The study reviews the work of leading educators and psychologists
on the role of cognitive activity based on language structures. Additionally, it attempts to assess the impact of
integrating English into the primary education curriculum in Kazakhstan.
 The issue of intellectual development in educational activities has been a persistent concern throughout
various stages of societal development, and schools have consistently worked towards addressing this challenge.
 In the article, the authors draw on research by psychological scientists who emphasize that the development
of intelligence represents a qualitative transformation in both the body and psyche. They explore the importance of an
English teacher's professional readiness for fostering the successful intellectual development of young schoolchildren.
Additionally, they highlight that the intellectual development of primary school students in the process of learning
English is enhanced by considering the individual characteristics and creative potential of the children, as well as the
growth of their cognitive motives.
 It should be noted that multilingualism is a key strategy in the state educational policy of Kazakhstan. In
this context, teachers' use of various interactive teaching methods in the classroom stimulates younger students to learn
English and increases their motivation to master a foreign language. Teachers aim to integrate diverse teaching methods
and the latest educational technologies to maximize the intellectual development of children. The authors of the article
highlight that intellectual training in English lessons provides primary school students with opportunities for
development, self-assessment, and viewing lessons as a means of both learning and personal and intellectual growth.


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intellectual development, primary school students, English language, foreign language learning, teacher's professional readiness, Kazakhstani educational space, educational process, intellectual training.

How to Cite

PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF TEACHING ENGLISH PROBLEMS OF INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 76(2).

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