Published 2024-08-23
PEDAGOGY Vol. 75 No. 1 (2024)
№1 (2024)

The article examines the role and possibilities of a systematic approach in the development of students' information competence. Today, information competence is becoming one of the main skills in the digital age. The ability to effectively find, analyze, and evaluate information is necessary to adapt to modern society. This includes not only technical skills but also the ability to search for information from reliable sources, think critically, and use information from an ethical point of view. In this regard, the development of students' information competence becomes an important task of educational institutions. It is obvious that students with a high level of information competence will also be successful in their studies and future professional activities. Therefore, the process of developing students' information competence should be carried out systematically and include various educational methods and techniques.
In accordance with the research topic, the article presents an overview of scientific research by domestic and foreign scientists. Based on it the author analyzes the effectiveness of a systematic approach in the context of the development of information skills and critical thinking of students. In the modern educational context, the importance of an integrated and systematic approach to learning is emphasized, contributing to the comprehensive development of students' information competencies. The results of the study provide opportunities and recommendations, considering the development of students' information competence as a comprehensively organized unified system.


Department of Pedagogy, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, PhD stu󠀁dent



L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana

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competence, information competence, system, approach, information literacy, systems approach.

How to Cite

THE POSSIBILITIES OF A SYSTEMS APPROACH IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ INFORMATION COMPETENCE. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 75(1), 83-88.

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