Published 2024-08-23
HISTORY Vol. 75 No. 1 (2024)
№1 (2024)
PDF (Kazakh)

The article is devoted to the theme of adat and Sharia in Kazakh Society of the XVIII-XIX centuries. After the Kazakh steppe became part of the Russian Empire, the authorities took various measures to adapt the region to the needs of colonial rule. One such measure was the codification of adat, which Russian officials hoped to use to analyze the claim of the Kazakhs. Until the middle of the XIX century, the system of government in Kazakh society was dominated by customary rights. The Tsarist government, seeing the viability of the customs laws of the Kazakhs, gradually moves to the path of weakening adat in order to pursue a colonial policy. One of the main reasons for the change in the norms of Customs in Kazakh society is the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia. The contradictions in the perception of Kazakh customary law were not only political intrigue - they reflected ideas of different levels of local law in the conditions of the Russian colonial administration. The article analyzes the conclusions of domestic and foreign historians on the topic, reports of pre-revolutionary Russian officials and collections of ethnographic scientists.  The role and importance of adat and Sharia in the Kazakh Society of that period is emphasized. At the same time, the reasons and results of the policy pursued by the Tsarist government in relation to Islamic law sharia are indicated


Master's student, K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe



Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, K.Zhubanov Aktobe regional university, Aktobe


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adat, shariat, Islam, Kazakh society, customary law, colonialism.

How to Cite

ADAT AND SHARIAT THE KAZAKH SOCIETY (XVIII-XIX CENTURIES). (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 75(1).

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