Published 2024-07-10
NATURAL SCIENCES Vol. 61 No. 3 (2020)
№3 (2020)

The importance of fresh water is constantly growing; water is a valuable natural resource. As a rule, if the water resource is not used rationally in everyday life and in industry, pollution occurs with substances of
organic and mineral nature. This is waste water. Depending on the content, such water can be dangerous and include toxic substances and pathogens of various infectious diseases. Therefore, one of the environmental problems of
mankind is wastewater treatment. To do this, it is necessary to find such a cleaning method that does not require significant costs and ensures their effective cleaning. During the work, algae were studied in order to use them in improving the organoleptic characteristics of water. The ability of some microorganisms to purify the aquatic environment as an object of study in many sciences, such as biotechnology, microbiology and ecology.

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waste water, purification, biological purification, microorganisms.

How to Cite

CLEANING PRODUCTION WASTE WATER USING FILTRATION FIELDS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 61(3).

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