Published 2024-07-09
№3 (2022)

Language development is directly related to the process of creating new words in the language structure. This process, unlike other areas of the language, is primarily reflected in the vocabulary, because any news that occurs in society is primarily formed in the language. And since the current period is the period of globalization, the nature of cultural, political and economic news also affects the language. This is especially evident in the lexical and word-forming system of this language. Since new structures appear and are used at all levels of the language, neologisms include not only words, but all new language units include both structure and meaning. Therefore, the study of this issue is one of the most pressing issues in modern linguistics. In this article, we will talk about the above problem in linguistics, that is, the problem of neologization. In particular, the origin and types of neologisms are described, and ways of their inclusion in the ranks of neologisms are analyzed. On these issues, the opinions of scientists are attached, and the specifics
of the work are outlined. The ways in which semantic neologisms arise are proved by specific examples. Comparative, comparative, and linguistic approaches are used in the analysis.

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neologism, neologization, semantic neologism, evolution of the meaning of a word, expansion of the meaning of the word, narrowing of the meaning of the word

How to Cite

NEW SEMANTIC UNITS IN THE MODERN KAZAKH LANGUAGE SYSTEM. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 69(3).

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