Published 2024-07-05

The article deals with modern innovative technologies in education. What is "innovative
education" today? - this is knowledge capable of self-development and contributing to the comprehensive development
of all its participants, and most importantly, innovative education is developing knowledge. What is "Innovative
Educational Technologies"? The modern content provided to students is aimed not at mastering subject knowledge, but
at developing competencies that correspond to modern business practice. This content should be presented in the form of
well-structured and multimedia learning materials supported by modern means of communication. Currently, a variety of
pedagogical innovations are used in education. In this regard, the analysis of the following innovative technologies was
carried out: Information and communication technologies (ICT) in the teaching of the discipline. It is important to know
the emerging trends in the process of informatization of the school: from the mastery of basic information on computer
science by students to the use of computer programs in the general education sphere, supplementing the content and
structure of education with elements of computer science; realization of creation. This direction is realized through the
introduction of new disciplines into the curricula aimed at studying informatics and ICT.

innovations, novelty, innovation activity TRIZ, communication, information, technological multimedia reading

How to Cite

MODERN INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 67(1).

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