Published 2024-07-05
№2 (2021)
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The article is devoted to the study of the reference problems. The work examines the process of formation of the idea of reference in foreign and domestic linguistics. Reference in a broad sense is the relation of
linguistic expressions to extra-linguistic objects (detonations, nominates, designates, referents) and - in the broader sense - the connection of thought and reality through language. In our work we observe that in recent years in logic and linguistics a broader understanding of reference has been established in comparison with the traditional one as the correlation of linguistic expressions with extra-linguistic objects and situations. Reference as an action (correlation) is
carried out by the speaker - it is a separate component in the composition of a speech act. Reference as a result is a relation into which linguistic expressions enter in the context of a speech act. In the article we research the correlation of the statement with reality. It can be carried out using three types of relations: denotation (or designation), naming and indication (deixis). Thus, a temporary picture of the world can be represented by language using he laws of “threedimensional” reference (denotative, nominative, deictic) which make it possible to represent stereotypically the world with the sings of language. 

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reference problems, nominal reference, subject and non-subject reference, temporal reference or verbs, modern theory of reference, «three-dimensional» reference.

How to Cite

MAIN ISSUES OF REFERENCE. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 64(2).

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