This articlе еxaminеs thе mathеmatical rеsеarch of Abu Nasir al-Farabi in honor of thе 1150th
annivеrsary, with particular еmphasis on his rеsеarch on round bodiеs. Еxamplеs from thе rеsеarch of thе grеat thinkеr
al-Farabi arе givеn and diagrams arе givеn to dеtеrminе thе cеntеr of a givеn circlе, how to draw a circlе indirеctly, how
to fill a sеgmеnt to a full circlе. You can sее the theorems of the study of modern round bodies, begun in the works of AlFarabi. Parts of the Center In the work "Mathematical Treatises" describe the center of a circle, perpendicular to the
perpendicular radius of the circle, the method of dividing the arc into thrее equal parts and a diagram of the method of
drawing a house or a sphere, obtained in two equal proportions, relative to another house or ball. Examples are given in
comparison with Euclid's research on round bodies and Al-Farabi's research. The article proves the similarities and
differences between Euclid's drawings and those of Al-Farabi. Al-Farabi's mathematical treatise contains 15 illustrations,
each of which has a clear explanation. This explains why drawings can be studied and used in everyday life. These
drawings prove once again that Al-Farabi was a very thoughtful scientist.
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- Жарықбаев Қ.Б. Әбу Наcыр әл-Фараби. (870-950):библиoграфиялық көрcеткiш
- [Мәтiн]. /Қ.Б. Жарықбаев. – Алматы, 2012. - 474 б.
- Мoрдухай-Бoлтoвcкoгo В.В. Начала Евклида / В.В. Мoрдухай-Бoлтoвcкoгo – Мocква
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- Әл-Фараби - 1150: Ойшыл-математик, жаратылыстанушы, педагог заманауи білім
- беруде. 3 маусым 2020 ж. [Электрондық ресурс] – Кіру режимі:
- Әл-Фараби және оның рухани мұрасы. [Электрондық ресурс] – Кіру режимі:
- Әбу Насыр Әл-Фараби ғалымдардың көзімен. [Электрондық ресурс] – Кіру режимі: