Published 2024-07-04
№1 (2021)
  • S.S. Muhtarov
PDF (Kazakh)

The article deals with the problem of speech parts’ classification, which is one of the most urgent problems of Kazakh linguistics. After a brief review of the history of classification of speech parts, the author
comprehensively justifies and proves in every possible way the inconsistency of considering a part of speech –interjections, which is essentially the object of morphology, within one of the types of verbalized words that are the object of syntax study. The problem considered in the article is a problem that needs to be proved and introduced into scientific circulation. Despite the fact that according to the theory of classification of speech parts, put forward by linguists who studied parts of speech, it is proved that interjections are a separate part of speech, in the main syntactic textbooks, and in individual works, interjection, as a syntactic category, is a kind of separate word. This leads, first of all, to the inability to distinguish between the areas of morphology and syntax, not to identify the problem, but rather to its complication, to ambiguity both in research and in the learning process. All these contradictions are resolved in the article.

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interjection, verbalized words, parts of speech, morphology, syntax, semantics

How to Cite

INTERJECTION AND SPOKEN WORDS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 63(1).

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