Editorial policy of the journal

cover issue

Goal and objective of the journal.

2.1 The main goal of the journal's editorial board is:

- publication of the results of theoretical and applied scientific research in various fields of knowledge, such as pedagogy, technical sciences, physics and mathematics, natural sciences, history, social and humanitarian sciences, economics and law, as well as an exchange of views between researchers on issues related to these areas;

2.2. As part of the Kazakhstan scientific information system, the Bulletin plays a role in solving the following tasks by publishing materials:

- to support the development of scientific exchange in academic circles of higher educational institutions, to stimulate the formation of scientific schools and directions within the framework of the journal, to provide information support for key research in fields such as pedagogy, technical sciences, physics and mathematics, agricultural sciences, history, social sciences and humanities, economics and law, as well as the promotion of advanced scientific ideas;

- involvement of leading foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners in all thematic areas of the journal in publications and participation in the review process of materials;

˗ creation of a platform for knowledge exchange and active dialogue between leading scientists and practitioners in various fields of science and education, including pedagogy, technical sciences, physics and mathematics, natural sciences, history, social sciences and humanities, economics and law.

  1. Directions and periodicity of the journal

3.1 The journal publishes articles on a wide range of theoretical and applied problems in the fields of theory and methodology of pedagogy, topical issues of economics and law, modern technologies in the field of technical and natural sciences, modern views in the field of history and archaeology, social sciences and humanities, the results of fundamental research in mathematics, physics, information technology.

The main directions of the journal:

  1. Technical Sciences
  2. Physics and Mathematics
  3. Natural Sciences
  4. Metallurgical processes and technologies
  5. Geography and geoecology
  6. History
  7. Social and humanitarian sciences
  8. Economics and law.
  9. Pedagogics

3.2. The frequency of publication is 4 times a year, once every three months (March, June, September, December).

  1. Free Access Policy.

The scientific journal «Bulletin of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov» is an open access journal. After the issue is published, the journal provides free access to published materials to all Internet users. The official website of the journal provides all interested persons and authors with the necessary information about the scientific journal and the conditions for publishing articles.

  1. Archiving

Electronic versions of the scientific journal are provided to «NCSTE» JSC for the formation of the fund and inclusion in the electronic library. The journal archives materials in the catalog of the scientific library of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov.

  1. Conditions for the publication of articles.

To submit an article for publication, you must register on the website. The journal accepts scientific articles in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, which have not been previously published in print or electronic format. The date of receipt of the article is the date when the editorial office received its final version. The editorial office reserves the right to make editorial changes to the text, while maintaining the meaning of the article.

When preparing articles for publication in the journal "Bulletin of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov", it is important to strictly adhere to the structure of the scientific article and follow the rules of article design. The article format is A4, the font «Times New Roman», the font size of the main text is 12, figures, diagrams are 10, line spacing is single; indentation of the first line of the paragraph is 1.0 cm; all margins are 20 mm. The length of the article should not exceed 5-10 pages.

Articles exceeding the established volume may be accepted for publication in exceptional situations, when special decisions are made by the editorial board of the journal.

The structure of the scientific article:



Full name of the author(s) (add a click  on the ORCID)

Place of work of the author(s), city, country, e-mail

The title of the article




Materials and methods of research

Results and its discussion


List of literature

Information about the authors

The author who has made the greatest intellectual contribution to the preparation of the manuscript (with two or more co-authors) is a corresponding author and is indicated by an «*» asterisk.

The order of articles:

Title. At the beginning of the text of the article, the IRSTI index is indicated (International rubricator of Scientific and technical Information, link: (http://www.grnti.ru ) and UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) – it is necessary to check with the bibliographer of the library or find the UDC Classifier on the website, placed in the upper left part of the article in bold. This is followed by the initials and surname of the author(s), academic degree, academic title, full name of the organization, city, country, e-mail of the author, *e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence with the editorial board), the title of the article. The title of the article is written in the center, in capital letters, bold, straight font, size - 12. The title is written at the end of the article in two other languages, i.e. in Russian, English (if the article is in Kazakh), Kazakh, English (if the article is in Russian), Kazakh and Russian (if the article is in English). The number of authors is no more than 5;

Abstract. The most important research results and their theoretical and practical significance are presented. The volume of the abstract is 150-300 words. The abstract is written at the end of the article after the literature in two other languages, i.e. in Russian, English (if the article is in Kazakh), Kazakh, English (if the article is in Russian), Kazakh and Russian (if the article is in English). (Alignment – width, font – regular, size-10).

Keywords. 5-8 words or phrases that occur in the text of the article and reflect its main content. Keywords are separated from each other with a comma.

Introduction. The introduction raises the question of the state and relevance of the problem, as well as formulates the purpose of the study. The authors should provide readers with information about the problem under study, briefly outline the available knowledge on this topic, mention the work of other researchers, as well as identify possible shortcomings in previous studies in order to justify the need for a new study.

Materials and methods of research. This section highlights the object of the study, as well as describes in detail all the methods used, their essence and the rationale for the choice. The section should be written in such detail that the reader can not only independently assess the methodological pros and cons of this study, but also reproduce it if desired. The section recommends that you provide a clear description of the following aspects (although it is not necessary to separate them into separate subsections): type of research; criteria for the selection of participants; measurement methods; approaches to data processing; ethical standards.

The results and its discussion. This section outlines the main conclusions of the study, summarizes the actual data related to the tasks set. The results are presented in the text, tables and figures in a logical sequence, based on the goals and objectives of the study. The author(s) demonstrate the significance or originality of the research, offer specific recommendations and constructive suggestions. This section examines the correlation of the results obtained with the results of similar studies conducted by other authors. Instead of simply mentioning previous studies, they try to explain why the results obtained may or may not differ from the results obtained by other researchers. The section includes a discussion of potential applications of the results obtained, as well as their possible limitations. It is recommended to identify areas for further research that naturally follow from the results of this study.

Conclusion. At this stage, there is a generalization and summing up of the work, confirmation of the author's conclusions and his conclusion about the impact of the results on scientific knowledge. Conclusions should not be abstract; they are used to summarize the results of research in a specific scientific field, as well as to offer recommendations and possible directions for future work.

References. It is drawn up after the text in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation», Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation», GOST R. 7.0.100–2018 (as amended and supplemented on December 03, 2018) «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation» and includes no more than 5-20 sources. Self-citation of no more than 1-2 sources. Manual numbering is used, automatic numbering of the list of references is not allowed. References to relevant sources are given in the text as they are mentioned, in square brackets [1, p. 73] with end-to-end numbering, indicating the number of the source according to the list of references and the page or article of the normative act referred to by the author. If there are works presented in Cyrillic in the list of references, it is necessary to submit the list of references in two versions: the first – in the original, the second – in romanized alphabet (transliteration is a recommended free site http://translit-online.ru/). Translation from Russian into Latin/Online Converter http://translit-online.ru/. Translation from Kazakh into Latin/Online Converter https://qazlat.kz/ru/.

All articles submitted to the editorial office are checked for plagiarism using the licensing system. If the originality of the text is less than 70%, the article is sent to the author for revision with an appropriate explanation.

The authors of the article must ensure that they provide an absolutely original work. If materials or quotations from other authors are used, the relevant bibliographic references or quotations must be indicated. References to the works of other authors are a mandatory requirement. Authors should refer to publications that had a significant impact on the nature of the submitted work.

Information about the authors. It is written in a line in English, Russian and Kazakh, full name, academic degree, title (if any), position, name of affiliation to the department/department, as well as organization/institution, must be complete, without abbreviations, the name of the country, addresses of all authors of publications, including indicating the main author in each article, E-mail, ORCID (of each author).

  1. Copyright

By submitting their articles to this journal, the authors agree that they retain their copyrights, but grant the journal the right to publish the work for the first time under the Creative Commons Attribution License. This means that others can distribute this work by keeping links to the original authors and the original publication in the journal. Authors have the right to enter into separate agreements on the distribution of the published version of the work (for example, placement in the university archive or publication in a book) without exclusivity, provided that the original publication in this magazine is indicated. Authors can publish their work on the Internet (for example, on a university resource or a personal website) before and during the review by this journal, as this promotes active discussion and increases the number of links to these works, as shown by open access research.

  1. Privacy

The information, including names and e-mail addresses provided on the website of this journal, will be used only in accordance with the stated purposes of the journal and will not be transferred or used for other purposes or transferred to third parties and organizations.

  1. The review procedure

All scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of this journal must undergo a double-blind review procedure, where neither the reviewers nor the authors are aware of each other's identity. Each manuscript is sent for assessment to two reviewers.

Articles are reviewed by members of the editorial board, the editorial office and also by experts, leading experts in the relevant field, who were invited for this purpose. The determination of a suitable reviewer for the assessment of an article is made by the editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, scientific editor and editorial director. The review takes up to 3-4 weeks, however, at the request of the reviewer, this period can be extended.

In case of a conflict of interest that may affect the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials, the reviewer has the right to refuse to carry out the review. After analyzing the manuscript, the reviewer formulates recommendations for further actions with the article, providing justification for each of his decisions:

  • the article is recommended for publication in this form;
  • the article is recommended for publication after correcting the shortcomings noted by the reviewer;
  • the article needs additional review by another specialist;
  • the article cannot be published in the journal.

If the review contains suggestions for improving and finalizing the article, the editorial board of the journal sends the author the content of the review with a proposal to take these recommendations into account when preparing a new version of the article or to reject them (partially or completely). Authors are given up to two months to make changes to the article after receiving an electronic notification of the need for revision. After that, the revised article is sent for re-review.

If the authors decide not to make changes to the materials, they must notify the editorial board of their refusal to publish the article in writing or orally. If the authors do not submit an edited version of the article within three months after sending the review, even if they do not give a notification of refusal from revision, the editorial board considers the article unclaimed and removes it from consideration. In the case of such circumstances, the authors receive a notification that their manuscript has been de-registered due to the expiration of the deadline provided for revision.

In case of unresolved disagreements between the author and the reviewers regarding the manuscript, the editorial board has the right to send it for additional review. In case of conflict situations, the final decision is made by the editor-in-chief at a meeting of the editorial board.

At the meeting of the editorial board, a decision is made on whether the manuscript will be published, taking into account the recommendations of the reviewers. If the article is not recommended for publication by the decision of the editorial board, it will not be considered for reconsideration. A message about the refusal to publish is sent to the author by e-mail. After the decision on the admission of an article to publication is made by the editorial board of the journal, the author is notified about it and receives information about the publication dates.

A positive review does not guarantee the automatic publication of the article. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board. The editorial board of the journal retains the original reviews for five years.

Each article that receives a positive conclusion is assigned a DOI, a digital object identifier for unique and permanent online identification of the journal's content and links on the Internet.

  1. Disclosure policy and conflicts of interest

Information unpublished and obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in personal research without the written permission of the author. Any information or ideas obtained during the review process and related to possible benefits should remain confidential and cannot be used for personal purposes to gain benefits.

In case of conflicts of interest caused by competitive, collaborative or other interactions and relationships with authors, companies or other organizations related to the submitted work, reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts.

All interested parties, including authors, reviewers, editors and members of the editorial board of the journal, should try to avoid conflicts of interest at all stages of publication, as far as possible. In the event of a conflict of interest, the obligation to immediately notify the editorial board lies with the person who discovered the conflict. Similar requirements apply to any other violations of the principles, standards and norms of publication and scientific ethics.

Any other ethical violations that may arise from authors, editors and reviewers, and not mentioned above, will be considered in accordance with the guidelines on the principles of ethics of scientific publications submitted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  1. Borrowing and plagiarism

All incoming articles to the editorial office of the journal «Bulletin of Aktobe Regional University named after K.Zhubanov» are checked for independent execution through the licensed automatic plagiarism verification system «Turnitin». If the originality of the text is less than 70%, the article is sent to the author for revision with appropriate justification.

The authors of the article have to provide a completely original work, and in the case of using materials and/or quotations from other authors, have to ensure the availability of appropriate bibliographic references or excerpts. The need for appropriate references to the works of other authors is a mandatory requirement. Authors are required to indicate publications that had a significant impact on the content of the submitted work.

If numerous cases of borrowing are found, the editorial board takes measures in accordance with the principles of COPE.

  1. Preprint and postprint placement policy

At the time of submitting the article, the author must confirm that the work has not been previously published or accepted for publication in another scientific journal. When referring to an article published in the journal «Bulletin of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov», the publisher asks you to post a link (full URL of the material) to the official website of the journal.

Articles that were previously published by the authors on their personal or public websites and were not posted in other publishers are considered.

  1. Publication ethics

The editorial policy and ethics of scientific publications of the journal comply with the ethical principles of scientific publications presented in the Guidelines on Ethics of Scientific Publications for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which includes the following basic requirements:

  1. The article must:
  • not be published at the time of sending or be under consideration in another publication;
  • contain the results of the original research of the author's team;
  • include the results of the work of the author(s). It is assumed that all authors agree with the publication in this journal and do not object to the order in which the authors are indicated in the article;
  • include in the citation list only those peer-reviewed sources that were actually used in the course of the study.
  1. For authors:

When submitting a manuscript to the editorial office, the authors assure that they do not violate the copyrights of others and the principles of publication ethics. The authors transfer to the publisher of the journal «Bulletin of Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov» unlimited publishing rights for an indefinite period:

- the right to reproduce (publish, disclose, copy, reproduce or other forms of reproduction) the article without limitation of circulation, as well as to distribute the article in any way. At the same time, each copy of the article must contain the name of the article’s author(s).

- the right to be included in a composite article;

- the right to make it publicly available;

- the right to use the metadata of the article, such as the title, names of authors (copyright holders), annotations, bibliographic materials and the full text, by distributing, embedding in various databases and information systems, as well as processing and systematization for public access.

There are no restrictions on the use of rights to articles in certain territories. The authors agree to the publication of the article on the journal's website in open access after the acceptance of the manuscript for publication and with the distribution of the printed issue of the journal with the published article in libraries and other organizations and/or institutions.

The authors also grant the publisher of the journal the right to store and process their personal data without time limits. This data includes last name, first name, patronymic, information about education, place of work and position. Personal data is provided for storage and processing in various databases and information systems, including their use in analytical and statistical reports, the creation of reasonable links between objects of scientific, literary and artistic works and personal data, as well as for other similar purposes.

The authors are fully responsible for the misuse of intellectual property and copyright objects in a scientific article in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The authors agree to the review of the manuscript by the publisher of the journal for plagiarism and other signs of violation of publication ethics.

The authors agree that the editorial board has the right to independently carry out scientific and literary editing of the manuscript, provided that its main provisions are preserved. The editorial board also has the right to review the manuscript and propose necessary corrections or changes, however, the publication of the manuscript will be carried out only after the author(s) make appropriate adjustments and changes.

The authors agree with the right of the editorial board to reject the publication of a manuscript if its design and content do not meet the requirements of the journal, contain information prohibited by regulations or official government documents, or violate the principles of scientific and publication ethics.

The author(s) confirm the presence or absence of conflicts of interest with other scientists or members of the editorial board of the journal. If the author(s) has conflicts of interest, it is necessary to indicate the reasons that may prevent an objective assessment of the manuscript. Also, the author(s) may indicate the full names of scientists who, in their opinion, will not be able to give an objective assessment of the manuscript.

The author(s) confirm that they have studied the editorial policy of the journal, including general information about the journal, the procedure for reviewing articles, guidelines for authors and standards of publication ethics.

  1. For Reviewers:

The journal uses the method of double-blind peer review, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous from each other in order to guarantee high quality publications. Each manuscript is sent for assessment to two reviewers.


- to request an abstract of the manuscript intended for review;

- to refuse to conduct an expert assessment of the article both after reviewing the abstract and after reviewing the full depersonalized text of the manuscript;

- to refuse to review the manuscript and inform the editorial board about it if the reviewer does not have specialized knowledge on the topic of the material.


- consider the submitted manuscript as a confidential document;

- to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the received material;

- to ensure the confidentiality of information or ideas obtained during the review process and related to potential benefits;

- in case of a conflict of interest, avoid participation in the evaluation of manuscripts;

- not to use in their publications any materials contained in the submitted manuscript.

  1. For Chief Editor:


- make suggestions to improve the work of the editorial staff.

- to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the director of the enterprise and the head of the editorial and publishing department, which relate to his activities;

- make the necessary decisions to ensure the daily work of the editorial office within its competence.

- take part in meetings of collegial management bodies when discussing issues related to the organization of the editorial office.


- to develop a concept for the development of the publication;

- manage the work of all editorial staff;

- edit articles prepared by the authors of the publication;

- send manuscripts for editing and review;

- prepare materials for printing;

- write reports on the work of the editorial office.

The members of the editorial board must:

- take part in meetings of the editorial board of the journal, express their opinion on the agreement or disagreement with the reviewers' assessments of the article, as well as make decisions on the composition of the content of the journal issues.

- evaluate the content of manuscripts regardless of gender, nationality, religion and other personal characteristics of the author or the author's team.

- do not use the materials sent for publication in the own work of editors, reviewers and other employees involved in working with the manuscript;

- in case of a conflict of interest, refuse to consider the materials submitted for publication and request information from the author about the existence of such a conflict.

If significant errors are found in published articles, such as typos in formulas or technically determined errors in indicators, information about the corrections made may be presented in subsequent issues of the journal.