In this article presents an optical single-channel spectrometer, designed for record the absorption
spectra of samples in a high-strength electric field. The spectrometer is built on the basis of an MS200 monochromator (SOL Instruments, Republic of Belarus) and is equipped with two highly sensitive registration systems - based on a photodiode and CCD. Registration of a weak signal against a background of noise is carried out using the technology of synchronous detection with light modulation by the mechanical shutter or with electro-optical modulation using the highvoltage pulse generator. To observe the Stark effect, the spectrometer has a programmable high-voltage pulse generator, which includes a high-voltage source of 0-10 kV, a digital-analog converter, and a high-voltage switch. The frequency of the modulating pulses is determined by a software-controlled generator. The use of a photodiode and a line of chargecoupled devices with the charge connection in the registration system in combination with two sources of a modulating
signal (a mechanical shutter and a source of rectangular high-voltage pulses) increases the versatility of the developed spectrometer and makes it possible to perform measurements with a high productivity in the presence of a sufficient level of the useful signal. The spectrometer has a modular design and can be easily transformed into systems for recording spectra of optical reflection, luminescence or light scattering.
spectrometer, absorption spectrum, Stark effect, lock-in amplifier, mechanical shutter and source of rectangular high-voltage pulses
EXPERIMENTAL MODULAR SPECTROMETER FOR RECORDINGOF THE STARK EFFECT. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 63(1).