Published 2024-07-03
ECONOMICS AND LAW Vol. 71 No. 1 (2023)
№1 (2023)
PDF (Russian)

In recent years, criminal proceedings in cases of adolescents have become an important issue. There
are some reasons for this, which should also be attributed to the need for additional efforts of law enforcement agencies
to carry out all tasks in cases of crimes of persons belonging to this age category associated with such a social
phenomenon as the complication of the individual characteristics of minors. At present, when large-scale and urgent
actions of socio-economic and political news are taking place in society, especially problematic for adolescents whose
outlook on life is not the most formed, the system of value orientations is unstable. A teenager's understanding of
morality and law depends on his age at the verbal level - he did not reach a complete understanding, becoming an
automatic regulator of his behavior. In recent years, the approach to minors should be especially strengthened in terms
of preventive ways of crime, elimination of the causes and conditions that provoke them. Because criminal offenses are
the scourge of society, and juvenile delinquency is a huge epidemic, in addition, such a phenomenon is unacceptable
when minors commit offenses.
The problems of the procedure for conducting cases of adolescents, the peculiarities of conducting cases of this
category depending on the age and socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents were solved in the Soviet period
by legal scientists G.M. Minkovsky, K. K. Speransky, V. Rybalskaya, L. Golubevoy5 studied in A. Lee, etc. other
scientists, mainly in their works, paid a lot of attention to the study of the problems of combating juvenile crime, its
prevention, the problems of criminal liability of minors and their punishment. Currently, the increase in the level of
adolescent crime caused by socio-economic changes in the state is becoming relevant on the issues of increasing the
number of homeless children, such acute issues are being discussed in the media.

criminality, underage, preventive work, indictment, investigator, trial

How to Cite

FEATURES OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS IN JUVENILE CASES. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 71(1). https://vestnik.arsu.kz/index.php/hab/article/view/64

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