This article discusses the methods of recycling high-carbon ferrochrome metal powder by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. The article is devoted to the study of aspiration metal dusts formed during the production of ferroalloys. The article analyzes the composition of the source material, its physicochemical properties, and the impact on the testing process. The publication touches upon the relevance of this topic and the advantages of the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis method. Particular attention was paid to comparative analyses of this method from other traditional material processing processes. This article will help to consider the problem of environmental pollution and the impact of traditional metallurgical processes on the ecosystem. The authors also analyze in detail the physical properties of the original powder samples and their combustion temperature mode. The publication shows the process flow charts, laboratory devices, and the type of resulting material. This article provides a detailed analysis of the types of laboratory devices, their physical and mechanical properties. The publication provides a thorough and detailed chemical analysis of the resulting material. In the course of the study, the expected results were obtained, which are presented in the form of tables and a figure. The article consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, conclusion and list of references.
master of technical sciences, еngineer technologist,. LLP «ERG Research and Engineering Center», Aktobe, Kazakhstan
master of technical sciences, Chief Technology Engineer, LLP «ERG Research and Engineering Center», Aktobe, Kazakhstan
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Deputy Director of «Scientific and Technical Production Company «Etalon»» LLC; Magnitogorsk, Russia
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