Published 2024-07-10
ECONOMICS AND LAW Vol. 61 No. 3 (2020)
№3 (2020)

In this article, the authors consider the essence and content of the institution of civil action at the stage
of judicial proceedings in relation to a criminal case in national law. The author studies the concepts and views of
scientists on the very existence of this institution and the measures of its implementation in domestic law, due to the fact that the Institute of civil claim is an independent Institute of procedural law. In this regard, the paper considers not only
the concept and content, but also the timing of a civil claim in criminal proceedings. The right to bring a civil action
after the criminal proceedings and the conclusion of the judicial investigation in the proceedings of the criminal case in
the court of first instance was established in the code of criminal procedure code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 1997, as
well as in the criminal procedure code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014. On the basis of which the work determines
the excessive extension of the legislator's terms for filing a civil claim.

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civil action, criminal proceedings, criminal case, property rights, plaintiff, procedural law, guilty person, victim.

How to Cite

LEGAL ISSUES OF REGULATING THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ACTION IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 61(3).