Published 2024-07-10
№3 (2020)

The article considers allusion as a means of searching for universal human qualities and problems,
as the problems of human are global and their solutions must be considered from the world point of view. In the article
is wrote views of scientists about the allusion and humanizm. The article also considers problems of interrelation
between allusion and intertextuality, the link between allusion and humanizm, the purpose of using allusions in
literature and the ideas of linguists about them. Also, in the article is wrote some examples of allusions from the books.
Key words: allusion, humanism, humanity, intertextuality, indirect indication 

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allusion, humanism, humanity, intertextuality, indirect indication

How to Cite

ALLUSION AS A CALL FOR HUMANIZM. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 61(3).

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