Published 2024-07-09
№4 (2022)

Orthography is the most popular branch of linguistics, since all native speakers of written speech feel the need for a set of uniform rules. The relevance of the problem under study is determined by insufficient development of issues of Bashkir writing history and spelling norms formation, in particular, the spelling principles, modern Bashkir literary language, need to systematize and generalize the existing research experience in this area. It is known that in improving the spelling process of certain language, study of historical experience is of great importance. In this study, authors attempted to systematize, generalize and supplement information on the formation of principles of orthography in Turkic studies in general and in Bashkir language in particular. Based on historical experience study, controversial issues in determining the basic principles of Bashkir orthography are identified and ways to solve them are proposed. The study is devoted to consideration of historical prerequisites for formation of the basic principles of modern Bashkir language, theoretical foundations study of letter-sound system, spelling of modern Bashkir language in comparison with data of other languages of Turkic languages using Cyrillic alphabet. The authors quite reasonably single out the following as the leading principles of modern Bashkir writing: phonetic and morphological, as additional ones are historical-traditional and differential, which are confirmed by actual materials.

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Turkic writing, Bashkir linguistics, orthography, orthography principles, phonetic principle, morphological principle

How to Cite

FORMATION OF BASHKIR LANGUAGE ORTHOGRAPHY BASIC PRINCIPLES. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 70(4).

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