Published 2024-07-09
NATURAL SCIENCES Vol. 60 No. 2 (2020)
№2 (2020)
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This article reflects the state of biological resources of the Irgiz-Turgay lakes. The characteristic of their hydrological conditions is given. Data on the professional ichthyofauna and the state of the forage base are presented. The reduction of the water flow of the Turgay, Irgiz and Olkeik rivers leads to a deterioration in the water
supply of the lakes. Improving the hydrological conditions by optimizing the water regime, carrying out measures for stocking and reclamation can significantly increase the fishing volumes on the Irgiz-Torgay lakes. The fish forage base on the Irgiz lakes is characterized by low and medium biomass values. Planktofauna is widely distributed in 4 groups of organisms-Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda. The composition of mass species of zooplankton includes rotifers-Keratella quadrata, Brachionus quadridentatus, Collotheca mutabilis. The average zooplankton biomass is 1310.5 mg / m3, the average number is 117752 pieces/m3. The total number and basis of biomass are formed with Bush crayfish, accounting
for 62.5 and 90%, respectively. The issues of studying the ichthofauna of the Irgiz-Turgay wetland, developing measures to preserve its resources, maintaining the ecological state of useful lands, protecting fauna and flora, and developing eco-tourism with the involvement of local residents are currently relevant [15].

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How to Cite

BIODIVERSITY AND DYNAMICS OF INDICATORS OF THE FISH FOOD BASE OF THE IRGIZ LAKES OF THE TURGAI SYSTEM. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 60(2).