Published 2024-07-05
ECONOMICS AND LAW Vol. 65 No. 3 (2021)
№3 (2021)
PDF (Kazakh)

Today, Kazakhstan is fully exposed to global trends in the development of digital technologies. World economic crises pose new challenges and lead to greater state participation in the economy due to the orientation of state policy to ensure the necessary social protection of the population. A side effect of high state activity is the unpreparedness of the population and business for risks and the need to change their behavior as economic agents in the face of modern challenges. Nevertheless, the digital revolution taking place before our eyes has led Kazakhstan to include digitalization as a state policy in its development plans. We have to face all the consequences of digitalization, which are already
generating fundamental changes in the models of economic activity and social life in leading countries. And the faster the pace of implementation of digital technologies, the more difficult the task of managing the development of the digital economy. In all leading countries in the field of digital technologies, the state acts as a driver of relevant initiatives.
Without his active participation, it is impossible to imagine both the successful development of the technological offer in leading countries, and the commercialization of technologies, including the creation of flagship corporations that form the «digital look» of the modern economy.

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business models, typology of business models, digital Kazakhstan, e-commerce, digital transformation, innovation ecosystem.

How to Cite

EKONOMY OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN MAIN DIRECTIONS DIGITALIZATION. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 65(3). https://vestnik.arsu.kz/index.php/hab/article/view/183

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