Published 2024-07-05
TECHNICAL SCIENCES Vol. 65 No. 3 (2021)
№3 (2021)
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The article presents the results of processing of aspiration dust formed during the crushing of highcarbon ferrochrome. Thin dust classes increase the probability of irretrievable losses, which creates prerequisites for the development of rational ways of processing this material. One of the well-known technologies for the utilization of dispersed charge raw materials in metallurgical processing is their direct remelting. Although this technology is easily feasible, it has a number of significant disadvantages, among which the main problem is the high dust removal of fine
material by ascending gas-heat flows. The way out can be the preliminary preparation of raw materials by okusk. Numerous studies have shown that the cheapest way of caulking is briquetting. Taking into account the development of briquetting technologies, as well as the latest samples of equipment and binding materials involved in this process, it can be assumed that this will allow more fully involving aspiration dust from the crushing of ferrochrome in metallurgical processing. To evaluate this assumption, industrial tests were carried out on the remelting of aspiration dust in the form
of briquettes and in its original form. A comparison of the obtained results showed the fundamental possibility of producing high-carbon ferrochrome on briquetted material from aspiration crushing dust.

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high-carbon ferrochrome, briquetting, aspiration dust, remelting, tests, crushing

How to Cite

PROCESSING OF ASPIRATION DUST BY CRUSHING HIGH-CARBON FERROCHROME. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 65(3).

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