Published 2024-07-04
PEDAGOGY Vol. 63 No. 1 (2021)
№1 (2021)

The article describes the definition of sports management, its role in modern international sports. The functions of managers, their significance for the further development of sports in our country are revealed through the detailed analysis. Under scrutiny of scientific method the challenges and the research directions of sport management have been discussed. The study has demonstrated an increasing interest towards sport management has been generated in
Kazakhstan, which indirectly illuminates a plethora of possibilities for the development of the regulations of human resources in sports across multiple location-based levels, such as city level, region level, and country level. In summary, the importance of developed management in the sport industry have been illustrated through the meticulous inquiry performed in the available open-source data that was later synthesized to support a conclusion. Overall, the resulting discussion of this study has highlighted several discussion points that would be of interest to an academic community

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Management, sports, economics, sport management, human resources, sport organization.

How to Cite

SPORTS MANAGEMENT. (2024). Scientific Journal "Bulletin of the K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University", 63(1).